Bioremediation in Genomics
A current approach towards a sustainable environment.
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Bioremediation – A current approach towards a sustainable environment.
Bioremediation is a biological process that uses living organisms, usually microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) and plants, to degrade, remove, alter, immobilize, and detoxify waste products and pollutants from soil or water and sea.
Why use Bioremediation in Genomics
(Crude Oil Spillage)
Bioremediation is a technology that offers great promise in converting the toxigenic compounds of oil to nontoxic products without further disruption to the local environment.

Bioremediation is typically used as a polishing step after conventional cleanup methods have been used.

The requirements of the Environmental Agency must list bioremediation products considered for use during crude oil spill cleanup operations. One advantage of bioremediation products is that the toxic hydrocarbon compounds are destroyed rather than moved to another environment.

The suppliers biggest challenge is maintaining the proper conditions for maximal biodegradation, including sufficient nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the pore water.
Bioremediation in Sustainability
Research breakthroughs over the last two decades have broadened perspectives in the use of biological techniques, such as genomics testing, for breaking down hazardous pollutants into less toxic or non-toxic substances or to environmental levels below concentration with microbes. Bioremediation using genomics and genetically engineered microbes' strategies presents several advantages compared to classical remediation techniques.

Please contact us for further support for your projects of environmentally friendly cleanup, land, soil and Crude oil spillage.
Objectives of EPAIT Crude Oil Clean Up
EPAIT genuinely believe the best way to restore nature is through nature itself. However, natural degradation processes are slow, so EPAIT sped them up.

At EPAIT, research, innovation, and risk-taking normally found in academic institutes are combined with the technology development pipeline of commercial enterprises.
What is the result?
EPAIT's bespoke bio-based remediation solutions not only save time and money for our clients but also, most importantly, contribute significantly to the preservation and restoration of our environment.
© 2024 East Precision Agriculture and Innovative Technology LLC
Unit 427 Al Fahim Building
M4, industrial 1~ 19
Abu Dhabi
P.O Box 279
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